Rules for Free Host

Rules for our service

> Do not try to remove our advertisement text from the hostname

Do not try and remove (WNO-HOST) from the hostname. This is how we advertise our service and we'd like to keep it free for all users.

> One account per person

Please don't make multiple accounts. We have a limited amount of servers available. If we do find people using two or more accounts, your accounts will be denied access.

> Do not idle on the server

Please do not idle on the server just to keep it online. Any servers found to have players idling in after an excessive amount of time, will be stopped. We will check you're not actually playing first before stopping your server.

> You are not allowed to use poorly optimized scripts that use much RAM and CPU usage

> You are not allowed to change server predefined settings.

> You are only allowed to have one free server.

> You must login to panel at least once per day and click "Manage" button to keep your server active.

> You must have (WNO-HOST) in server name.

> You have to keep server online.

> You are not allowed to have server password on a free server.

> If you break any of these rules, your server will be removed without notification.